I’m UI Architect at Deltatre (formerly Massive), which means I tend to code less than I ensure projects are delivered in good conditions. We do video streaming apps.
I’m a coder and a trainer at heart, specialised in the web stack – TypeScript, JavaScript and Haxe-JS, from browsers to TVs and consoles. I like to tune our Webpack builds and Continuous Integration.
In a previous life I used to do a lot of cool Flash productions in web agencies before it went out of fashion; now I want to create apps that people care about.
I was in OSS before Github was a thing, kids!
Nowadays I’m running a number of focused projects, a lot around the Haxe language, and contribute regularly to JavaScript and TypeScript projects.
Previously I dedicated years to FlashDevelop (also branded as HaxeDevelop), an ActionScript and Haxe IDE - arguably the best free ActionScript IDE there was during the golden age of Flash development.